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Election Results Reporting Status

Last Change:

Unofficial polling place election night results are reported to the State Board of Elections from each local board of elections office. The progress of the election results reporting can be determined by the number of precincts reporting and can be viewed on a statewide level or for each county.

  • Early Voting:
  • Election Night: 0 of 1991 Precinct Reporting
  • Absentee 1:
  • Provisional:
  • Absentee 2:

Unofficial Results for the 2018 Gubernatorial General Election

To see results for a contest, please select it from the drop down. You can view results by County, Congressional District, Legislative District or Judicial Circuit depending on the contest selected. If there is a plus Expand to see more detailed results next to a candidate's name, you can expand those results to see the County breakdown.
