Maryland State Board of Elections

Official 2024 Presidential Primary Election Results for Delegates to the Republican National Convention

Last refreshed: 06/13/2024 02:25:21 PM
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NR: not reported
Winner Selected: Denotes Winner of the Election

Delegates to the Republican National Convention

District 3

Republican Candidates - Vote for up to 3

County Break Down (213 of 213 election day precincts reported)
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Name Party Early VotingElection DayMail-In BallotProvisional Total Percentage
Michael Collins (Haley)
Republican 1,666 5,431 4,518 813 12,428 10.73%
Jamie Falcon (Haley)
Republican 1,569 5,136 4,378 788 11,871 10.25%
Elaine M. Furth (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,142 15,889 5,041 937 26,009 22.46%
Faith M. Loudon (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,243 16,282 5,168 962 26,655 23.02%
Anne Elizabeth Rutherford (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,244 16,392 5,163 973 26,772 23.12%
Craig Wolf (Haley)
Republican 1,618 5,266 4,400 783 12,067 10.42%
17,482 64,396 28,668 5,256 115,802 100.00%