Maryland State Board of Elections

Official 2024 Presidential Primary Election Results for Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention

Last refreshed: 06/13/2024 02:25:21 PM
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NR: not reported
Winner Selected: Denotes Winner of the Election

Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention

District 3

Republican Candidates - Vote for up to 3

County Break Down (213 of 213 election day precincts reported)
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Name Party Early VotingElection DayMail-In BallotProvisional Total Percentage
Terry R. Gilleland, Jr. (Haley)
Republican 1,596 5,180 4,412 788 11,976 10.45%
Andrew B. Greenspan (Haley)
Republican 1,556 5,018 4,323 771 11,668 10.18%
Richard L. Hope (Haley)
Republican 1,553 5,024 4,276 775 11,628 10.15%
Steve Schuh (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,335 16,685 5,328 992 27,340 23.86%
Geoffrey S. Thornton (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,105 15,813 4,900 928 25,746 22.47%
Anne M. White (Trump)Winner Selected
Republican 4,188 16,045 5,078 935 26,246 22.90%
17,333 63,765 28,317 5,189 114,604 100.00%