Offices up for Election in 2026
Election Dates
Primary Election:
Early Voting - June 18, 2026 through June 25, 2026 (7AM - 8PM)
Election Day - June 30, 2026 - 7AM - 8PM
General Election:
Early Voting - October 22, 2026 through October 29, 2026 (7AM - 8PM)
Election Day - November 3, 2026 - 7AM - 8PM
State Offices
Governor and Lt. Governor
Attorney General
State Senators
House of Delegates
Judge of the Circuit Court
Justice, Supreme Court of Maryland - For retention in office. Only on General Election Ballot
Judge, Appellate Court of Maryland - For retention in office. Only on General Election Ballot
Federal Offices
Representatives in Congress
Local Offices
County Executive
County Council / Commissioner
County Treasurers
State’s Attorney
Clerk of the Circuit Courts
Register of Wills
Judges of the Orphan’s Court
Board of Education: Allegany, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico and Worcester County
Party Offices
Democratic Central Committee Members
Republican Central Committee Members
Municipal Offices
Allegany County - City of Cumberland - Mayor and City Council