How Maryland Votes Flier: (English (PDF)) (en espaƱol (PDF))
Who can vote?
Any registered voter can vote. If you are not registered to vote, learn about how to register.
When can I vote?
For the 2024 Presidential Primary Election:
- You can either vote in person during early voting or on election day or by mail-in ballot.
- Early voting starts on Thursday, May 2, 2024 and goes through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Each early voting center will be open continuously from 7 am to 8 pm each day. Anyone in line at 8 pm will be allowed to vote.
- On election day, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, you must vote at your assigned polling place.All election day polling places are open continuously from 7 am until 8 pm on. Anyone in line at 8 pm will be allowed to vote.
If you are unable to vote during early voting or on election day, you may vote by mail-in ballot. Find out more information about mail-in voting.
Important Note: The law requires the State Board of Elections and each local board of elections to refer to absentee ballots as "mail-in ballots" and absentee voting as "mail-in voting." Please note that this change in terminology does NOT change the process of mail-in voting.
Where should I vote?
For the 2024 Presidential Primary Election:
- During early voting, you can vote at any early voting center in the jurisdiction where you live.
- On election day, you must vote at your assigned polling place.
How will I cast my vote?
For the 2024 Presidential Primary Election:
- During early voting or on election day, you will hand mark a paper ballot. Use the pen provided to fill in the oval next to your choices. You can also mark your ballot electronically. Review your ballot choices, place your voted ballot into the privacy sleeve and take it to the scanner. An election worker will direct you to insert your ballot into the scanning unit to cast your vote. Your ballot will be scanned and dropped into a secure ballot box.
- There will be instructions available at the early voting centers and election day polling places to familiarize you with the ballot. You may ask an election judge to explain how to vote, but you must cast your vote alone, unless you are unable to do so because you have a disability or are unable to read or write the English language.
- For mail-in voting and provisional voting, you will issued a paper ballot. Use a black ink pen to fill in the oval next to your choices. Provisional ballots are returned to the local election office in secure bags on election night. Mail-in and provisional ballots will be scanned at the local election office.
I have a disability. Will I be able to vote?
Yes. All early voting centers in Maryland are accessible to voters with disabilities.
See Access by Voters with Disabilities for more information.
Are election materials available in languages other than English?
Federal law requires Montgomery County and Prince George's County to provide election materials in Spanish. Non-English materials may be provided in other jurisdictions on a voluntary basis. Contact your local board of elections to determine what is available in your jurisdiction.