Purchasing Voter Data
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Purchasing Voter Data

Purchasing Voter Registration Lists

The State Board of Elections maintains voter registration files for 24 local boards of elections and is authorized to sell, to qualified voters, their voter registration lists (mainly statewide registration lists).

To apply for voter registration lists the applicant must:

Before we will process your application, you must sign a statement, under penalty of perjury, that you will not use the list for commercial solicitation or any other purpose not related to the electoral process. You can use the data to register voters, form a political party, qualify as a candidate for public office, circulate a petition, conduct elections and recount, cast and count ballots, finance a campaign, and other activities that meet the definition of "electoral process" as defined in COMAR You cannot use this data for investigations into illegal or suspected illegal infractions or violations of voters' behaviors in a specific election.

If you would like multiple lists, you must complete an application for each list.

We will provide the data you requested within 10 working days after we receive the application and payment. We can provide the data via FTP, we can mail you the data (on a flash drive), or you can pick up a flash drive with the requested data.

The State Board of Elections and local boards of elections do not guarantee that the data requested will be compatible with all software programs. You must use your own software to import this data to your database. Technical support and special data formats are not provided.

Deadline to Submit Application: Applications must be received on or before the advanced voter registration deadline (21 days before an election) or after election day. Applications received after the advanced voter registration deadline will be returned to the applicant.

Product Information and Cost:

  • Data can be provided via FTP, mailed on a flash drive, or you can pick up a flash drive with the requested data.
  • Cost: $125.00 for each statewide list or $75.00 each for a single county, district, or municipality list.
  • If requesting a smaller list, such as a municipality, it may be more affordable to request this data from the Local Board of Elections directly.
  • Payment Site