1988 Presidential Election
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1988 Presidential Primary Election Results

This document shows results, sorted by office, congressional district and party, for the 1988 Presidential Primary Election. Winning candidates have this check mark next to their name:This check mark indicates that a candidate has won his/her election.

Last Update: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 (04:53 PM U.S. Eastern Time)

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 01 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  Morris C. Durham Roy DysonWinner
Calvert 403 2,970
Caroline 186 1,347
Cecil 662 3,195
Charles 539 4,955
Dorchester 241 1,951
Harford 1,697 4,537
Kent 220 2,013
Queen Anne`s 330 2,301
St. Mary`s 465 4,500
Somerset 227 1,597
Talbot 457 1,894
Wicomico 685 5,296
Worcester 267 2,651
Total 6,379 39,207
Percent (Rounded) 14% 86%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 01 - Republican Candidate(s)

  Wayne T. GilchrestWinner John Vance Meyers
Calvert 245 1,253
Caroline 350 90
Cecil 800 426
Charles 611 1,750
Dorchester 348 108
Harford 1,146 906
Kent 768 79
Queen Anne`s 747 138
St. Mary`s 293 873
Somerset 231 115
Talbot 930 199
Wicomico 1,189 589
Worcester 532 278
Total 8,190 6,804
Percent (Rounded) 55% 45%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 02 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  Joseph BartenfelderWinner Blaine Taylor
Baltimore 22,355 11,034
Harford 4,269 2,924
Total 26,624 13,958
Percent (Rounded) 66% 34%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 03 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  Benjamin L. CardinWinner Charles Walker
Baltimore City 27,379 4,798
Baltimore 18,026 2,356
Howard 7,445 1,297
Total 52,850 8,451
Percent (Rounded) 86% 14%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 03 - Republican Candidate(s)

  Roy F. Carraher Douglas C. Harris r M. Parker Ross Z. PierpontWinner
Baltimore City 714 587 334 1,683
Baltimore 223 1,874 424 1,387
Howard 61 251 1,963 705
Total 998 2,712 2,721 3,775
Percent (Rounded) 10% 27% 27% 37%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 04 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  Thomas McMillenWinner Edward B. Quirk Jr. John Rea
Anne Arundel 28,889 3,338 1,268
Howard 2,397 137 87
Prince George`s 8,375 466 522
Total 39,661 3,941 1,877
Percent (Rounded) 87% 9% 4%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 04 - Republican Candidate(s)

  Bradlyn McClanahanWinner Claude W. Roxborough Patrick Lucky Stevens
Anne Arundel 6,961 3,495 3,373
Howard 610 371 308
Prince George`s 453 1,362 225
Total 8,024 5,228 3,906
Percent (Rounded) 47% 30% 23%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 05 - Republican Candidate(s)

  John Eugene SellnerWinner Gregory K. Washington
Prince George`s 5,390 3,801
Total 5,390 3,801
Percent (Rounded) 59% 41%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 06 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  Beverly B. ByronWinner Anthony Patrick Puca
Allegany 4,831 873
Carroll 7,138 1,169
Frederick 8,207 1,833
Garrett 1,170 145
Howard 5,760 972
Montgomery 4,223 2,465
Washington 6,794 1,644
Total 38,123 9,101
Percent (Rounded) 81% 19%

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Representative in Congress Vote For One

Congressional District: 08 - Democratic Candidate(s)

  George E. Benns Peter FranchotWinner Rosemary Glynn Ralph K. Shur
Montgomery 1,725 36,734 16,748 4,833
Total 1,725 36,734 16,748 4,833
Percent (Rounded) 3% 56% 26% 7%

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