2004 Presidential Election
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2004 Presidential Election

General Election

The 2004 presidential general election took place on November 2, 2004; see official results and voter turnout. If you are looking for raw election data for the 2004 General Election please see our election data page.

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Additional General Election Related Reports

Under the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is required to submit to Congress reports on various election activities, including voter registration, provisional voting, and voting by military and overseas citizens. To complete its reports, the EAC requires each State to provide certain election related data.

In response to the November 2004 General Election survey, the State submitted this Excel spreadsheet. Please note that there are 14 worksheets in the spreadsheet. After receiving survey results from all states and territories, the EAC issued a final report on the 2004 Election Day Survey.

Ballot Questions

List of Ballot Questions.

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Electors for the 2004 Presidential Election
Republican Party Electors Democratic Party Electors Green Party Electors
1 Ann Horner Granados
2 Emil B. Pielke
3 Charles J. Gast
4 William Franklin
5 Evelyn DiStefano
6 Charles A. Johnson
7 Harry J. Korrell
8 Charles W. Stansfield
9 Sharon Maenner Carrick
10 Steven L. Wiseman
1 Norman Conway
2 Delores Kelley
3 Lainy Lebow-Sachs
4 Pam Jackson
5 Dorothy Chaney
6 John Riley
7 Wendy Fiedler
8 Daphne Bloomberg
9 Tom Perez
10 Gary Gensler
1 Nina Rutledge
2 Michael Cornell
3 Daniel Waldman
4 Beth Hufnagel
5 Scott Snyder
6 Christine J. Schmitthenner
7 Steve Kramer
8 Dan Kulepinski
9 Rachel Markowitz
10 Eileen Scott

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Electors for the 2004 Presidential Election - Continued
Constitution Party Electors Libertarian Party Electors Populist Party Electors
1 Diane Peroutka
2 Steve Krukar
3 Gary Janis
4 Scott Whiteman
5 John Hicks
6 Tres Kerns
7 Don Thompson
8 Ben Boyce
9 Deborah Nackall
10 C. Michael Chastain
1 Imad-ad-Dean Ahmed
2 Steven E. Boone
3 William T. Boots
4 C. David Eagle
5 Susan Gaztanaga
6 Ronald H. Kean
7 Michael F. Linder
8 Jake Mitcham Jr.
9 Christopher Panasuk
10 Charles P. Spangler

1 Kevin Zeese
2 David Havelka
3 Christopher Driscoll
4 Felecia Glaude
5 Linda Schade
6 Virginia T. Rodino
7 Cheryl Woerner
8 Amy Aver
9 Stephen Snodgrass
10 Joseph P. Brown

Primary Election

The 2004 presidential primary election took place on March 2, 2004; see official results and voter turnout. If you are looking for raw election data for the 2004 Primary Election please see our election data page.

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Offices on the Ballot

Each election year sees a different set of offices appearing on the ballot. We have compiled a list of offices on the ballot for current and future elections.

Election Calendar

All the important dates of 2003 and 2004 are in the election calendar. This calendar includes, among other things, registration and certification deadlines and report due dates.