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2000 Presidential Election

Voter Turnout Information

Voter Turnout for the Seventh Congressional District shown by Party

The table below shows voter turnout, broken down by party, for the March 7, 2000 Presidential Primary Election for the Seventh Congressional District.

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  Registered Voter Pool Voted Polls Voted Absentee Total Voted % Voted
Baltimore City 162,228 162,228 42,518 928 43,446 26.78
Baltimore 46,783 46,783 15,434 227 15,661 33.48
Grand Total 209,011 209,011 57,952 1,155 59,107 28.28

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  Registered Voter Pool Voted Polls Voted Absentee Total Voted % Voted
Baltimore City 12,327 12,327 2,224 245 2,469 20.03
Baltimore 13,795 13,795 5,285 121 5,406 39.19
Grand Total 26,122 26,122 7,509 366 7,875 30.15

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  Registered Voter Pool Voted Polls Voted Absentee Total Voted % Voted
Baltimore City 53 0 NA NA 0 0.00
Baltimore 53 0 NA NA 0 0.00
Grand Total 106 0 0 0 0 0.00

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  Registered Voter Pool Voted Polls Voted Absentee Total Voted % Voted
Baltimore City 9,988 9,988 674 9 683 6.84
Baltimore 6,814 6,814 797 9 806 11.83
Grand Total 16,802 16,802 1,471 18 1,489 8.86