2002 Gubernatorial Election
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2002 Gubernatorial Election

2002 Gubernatorial General Election - Voter Turnout


A hyphen in a table's row indicates that voter turnout data are still being compiled for the corresponding county.

All parties

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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 21,806 1,000 22,806 38,719 58.9%
Anne Arundel 171,042 6,289 177,331 275,219 64.43%
Baltimore City 156,862 4,984 161,846 293,752 55.1%
Baltimore 271,491 10,032 281,523 414,160 67.97%
Calvert 25,442 1,107 26,549 42,985 61.76%
Caroline 8,089 383 8,472 14,164 59.81%
Carroll 58,073 2,488 60,561 86,956 69.65%
Cecil 24,331 920 25,251 42,760 59.05%
Charles 34,410 1,403 35,813 62,095 57.67%
Dorchester 9,853 617 10,470 16,369 63.96%
Frederick 64,534 2,448 66,982 117,829 56.85%
Garrett 8,787 465 9,252 15,622 59.22%
Harford 82,381 3,472 85,853 124,734 68.83%
Howard 93,326 3,836 97,162 141,565 68.63%
Kent 7,388 568 7,956 10,619 74.92%
Montgomery 280,825 14,327 295,152 467,051 63.19%
Prince George`s 192,995 3,913 196,908 367,039 53.65%
Queen Anne`s 15,861 864 16,725 23,768 70.37%
St. Mary`s 24,700 1,201 25,901 42,286 61.25%
Somerset 6,434 390 6,824 11,333 60.21%
Talbot 13,609 951 14,560 22,224 65.51%
Washington 37,327 1,640 38,967 70,096 55.59%
Wicomico 24,368 1,143 25,511 44,353 57.52%
Worcester 17,310 1,383 18,693 30,664 60.96%
Total 1,651,244 65,824 1,717,068 2,776,362  
% (rounded)          


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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 9,430 365 9,795 16,692 58.68%
Anne Arundel 79,760 2,489 82,249 124,977 65.81%
Baltimore City 133,593 3,716 137,309 241,191 56.93%
Baltimore 167,037 5,529 172,566 250,863 68.79%
Calvert 11,328 462 11,790 18,428 63.98%
Caroline 3,773 172 3,945 6,556 60.17%
Carroll 20,330 881 21,211 30,862 68.73%
Cecil 11,357 384 11,741 19,474 60.29%
Charles 17,017 611 17,628 29,871 59.01%
Dorchester 5,469 326 5,795 9,108 63.63%
Frederick 24,235 910 25,145 43,883 57.3%
Garrett 2,515 127 2,642 4,698 56.24%
Harford 38,071 1,332 39,403 57,915 68.04%
Howard 45,195 1,773 46,968 66,280 70.86%
Kent 4,062 236 4,298 5,656 75.99%
Montgomery 159,139 8,149 167,288 249,386 67.08%
Prince George`s 150,271 2,616 152,887 269,829 56.66%
Queen Anne`s 6,637 302 6,939 9,839 70.53%
St. Mary`s 12,007 551 12,558 19,673 63.83%
Somerset 3,681 201 3,882 6,675 58.16%
Talbot 5,617 317 5,934 9,298 63.82%
Washington 15,563 599 16,162 28,503 56.7%
Wicomico 11,879 531 12,410 21,896 56.68%
Worcester 8,503 692 9,195 14,959 61.47%
Total 946,469 33,271 979,740 1,556,512  
% (rounded) 60.81% 2.14% 62.94%    


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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 11,210 597 11,807 18,544 63.67%
Anne Arundel 71,549 3,234 74,783 107,738 69.41%
Baltimore City 13,926 1,059 14,985 28,281 52.99%
Baltimore 80,374 4,020 84,394 116,436 72.48%
Calvert 11,556 529 12,085 18,140 66.62%
Caroline 3,557 177 3,734 5,656 66.02%
Carroll 32,493 1,522 34,015 45,447 74.85%
Cecil 10,063 432 10,495 16,177 64.88%
Charles 13,820 693 14,513 23,152 62.69%
Dorchester 3,762 261 4,023 5,641 71.32%
Frederick 32,743 1,321 34,064 54,656 62.32%
Garrett 5,923 318 6,241 9,889 63.11%
Harford 37,224 1,866 39,090 52,430 74.56%
Howard 35,735 1,553 37,288 50,920 73.23%
Kent 2,724 282 3,006 3,821 78.67%
Montgomery 78,583 4,694 83,277 127,614 65.26%
Prince George`s 26,248 1,043 27,291 47,995 56.86%
Queen Anne`s 7,770 478 8,248 10,998 75%
St. Mary`s 10,222 567 10,789 16,520 65.31%
Somerset 2,310 171 2,481 3,538 70.12%
Talbot 6,566 554 7,120 9,938 71.64%
Washington 18,610 934 19,544 31,679 61.69%
Wicomico 10,337 554 10,891 16,565 65.75%
Worcester 7,113 607 7,720 11,425 67.57%
Total 534,418 27,466 561,884 833,200  
% (rounded) 64.14% 3.3% 67.44%    


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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 32 0 32 86 37.21%
Anne Arundel 394 9 403 885 45.54%
Baltimore City 266 8 274 488 56.15%
Baltimore 495 17 512 1,020 50.2%
Calvert 43 1 44 108 40.74%
Caroline 21 1 22 70 31.43%
Carroll 165 0 165 334 49.4%
Cecil 87 2 89 183 48.63%
Charles 29 3 32 105 30.48%
Dorchester 17 1 18 37 48.65%
Frederick 136 6 142 357 39.78%
Garrett 10 0 10 37 27.03%
Harford 192 3 195 382 51.05%
Howard 188 8 196 374 52.41%
Kent 15 2 17 37 45.95%
Montgomery 453 23 476 1,006 47.32%
Prince George`s 156 3 159 388 40.98%
Queen Anne`s 31 2 33 82 40.24%
St. Mary`s 41 2 43 112 38.39%
Somerset 11 0 11 20 55%
Talbot 20 3 23 50 46%
Washington 65 4 69 225 30.67%
Wicomico 45 0 45 125 36%
Worcester 19 0 19 63 30.16%
Total 2,931 98 3,029 6,574  
% (rounded) 44.58% 1.49% 46.08%    


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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 2 0 2 9 22.22%
Anne Arundel 52 2 54 103 52.43%
Baltimore City 22 0 22 58 37.93%
Baltimore 113 5 118 263 44.87%
Calvert 5 0 5 19 26.32%
Caroline 5 0 5 20 25%
Carroll 33 0 33 72 45.83%
Cecil 6 0 6 14 42.86%
Charles 7 1 8 20 40%
Dorchester 2 1 3 6 50%
Frederick 21 0 21 42 50%
Garrett 1 0 1 10 10%
Harford 25 0 25 39 64.1%
Howard 47 0 47 90 52.22%
Kent 0 0 0 6 0%
Montgomery 48 0 48 99 48.48%
Prince George`s 33 2 35 111 31.53%
Queen Anne`s 6 0 6 19 31.58%
St. Mary`s 10 0 10 30 33.33%
Somerset 7 0 7 32 21.88%
Talbot 3 0 3 3 100%
Washington 5 1 6 46 13.04%
Wicomico 4 0 4 18 22.22%
Worcester 3 0 3 18 16.67%
Total 460 12 472 1,147  
% (rounded) 40.1% 1.05% 41.15%    


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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 6 1 7 38 18.42%
Anne Arundel 247 12 259 502 51.59%
Baltimore City 561 11 572 972 58.85%
Baltimore 368 22 390 670 58.21%
Calvert 24 2 26 51 50.98%
Caroline 7 0 7 11 63.64%
Carroll 55 0 55 103 53.4%
Cecil 23 0 23 50 46%
Charles 14 2 16 38 42.11%
Dorchester 2 0 2 10 20%
Frederick 85 4 89 168 52.98%
Garrett 0 0 0 6 0%
Harford 71 5 76 142 53.52%
Howard 105 3 108 251 43.03%
Kent 15 2 17 31 54.84%
Montgomery 574 31 605 949 63.75%
Prince George`s 174 6 180 346 52.02%
Queen Anne`s 18 0 18 31 58.06%
St. Mary`s 29 4 33 55 60%
Somerset 3 0 3 6 50%
Talbot 17 2 19 33 57.58%
Washington 29 3 32 99 32.32%
Wicomico 13 1 14 53 26.42%
Worcester 11 0 11 27 40.74%
Total 2,451 111 2,562 4,642  
% (rounded) 52.8% 2.39% 55.19%    


This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 0 0 0 1 0%
Anne Arundel 26 1 27 35 77.14%
Baltimore City 15 0 15 33 45.45%
Baltimore 14 0 14 42 33.33%
Calvert 0 0 0 1 0%
Caroline 3 0 3 6 50%
Carroll 12 1 13 18 72.22%
Cecil 9 0 9 16 56.25%
Charles 4 0 4 9 44.44%
Dorchester 0 0 0 5 0%
Frederick 0 0 0 5 0%
Garrett 0 0 0 1 0%
Harford 14 0 14 21 66.67%
Howard 0 0 0 4 0%
Kent 0 0 0 0 0%
Montgomery 15 1 16 33 48.48%
Prince George`s 7 0 7 33 21.21%
Queen Anne`s 1 0 1 2 50%
St. Mary`s 3 0 3 3 100%
Somerset 2 0 2 4 50%
Talbot 1 0 1 1 100%
Washington 6 0 6 18 33.33%
Wicomico 2 0 2 4 50%
Worcester 0 0 0 4 0%
Total 134 3 137 299  
% (rounded) 44.82% 1% 45.82%    

Unaffiliated and Others

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County Voted
Registered % (rounded)
Allegany 1,126 37 1,163 3,349 34.73%
Anne Arundel 19,014 542 19,556 40,979 47.72%
Baltimore City 8,479 190 8,669 22,729 38.14%
Baltimore 23,090 439 23,529 44,866 52.44%
Calvert 2,486 113 2,599 6,238 41.66%
Caroline 723 33 756 1,845 40.98%
Carroll 4,985 84 5,069 10,120 50.09%
Cecil 2,786 102 2,888 6,846 42.19%
Charles 3,519 93 3,612 8,900 40.58%
Dorchester 601 28 629 1,562 40.27%
Frederick 7,314 207 7,521 18,718 40.18%
Garrett 338 20 358 981 36.49%
Harford 6,784 266 7,050 13,805 51.07%
Howard 12,056 499 12,555 23,646 53.1%
Kent 572 46 618 1,068 57.87%
Montgomery 42,013 1,429 43,442 87,964 49.39%
Prince George`s 16,106 243 16,349 48,337 33.82%
Queen Anne`s 1,398 82 1,480 2,797 52.91%
St. Mary`s 2,388 77 2,465 5,893 41.83%
Somerset 420 18 438 1,058 41.4%
Talbot 1,385 75 1,460 2,901 50.33%
Washington 3,049 99 3,148 9,526 33.05%
Wicomico 2,088 57 2,145 5,692 37.68%
Worcester 1,661 84 1,745 4,168 41.87%
Total 164,381 4,863 169,244 373,988  
% (rounded) 43.95% 1.3% 45.25%