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Official 2008 Presidential Primary Election results for Baltimore County

NR: not reported

President of the United States

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 602 32 634 0.5%
Hillary Clinton
Democratic 49,428 2,240 51,668 40.0%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 136 8 144 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 1,752 202 1,954 1.5%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 125 4 129 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 264 11 275 0.2%
Barack Obama Winner Selected    
Democratic 68,927 3,116 72,043 55.8%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 316 30 346 0.3%
Democratic 1,898 106 2,004 1.6%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 603 79 682 1.7%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 9,773 303 10,076 25.0%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 49 4 53 0.1%
Alan Keyes
Republican 356 30 386 1.0%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 20,313 818 21,131 52.3%
Ron Paul
Republican 3,763 129 3,892 9.6%
Mitt Romney
Republican 3,388 356 3,744 9.3%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 45 1 46 0.1%
Fred Thompson
Republican 348 15 363 0.9%

Congressional District 1

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 66 3 69 0.7%
Hillary Clinton Winner Selected    
Democratic 4,494 182 4,676 49.6%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 14 1 15 0.2%
John Edwards
Democratic 214 24 238 2.5%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 13 0 13 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 27 1 28 0.3%
Barack Obama
Democratic 3,927 181 4,108 43.6%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 35 2 37 0.4%
Democratic 227 10 237 2.5%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 99 13 112 1.6%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 1,594 49 1,643 22.9%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 6 0 6 0.1%
Alan Keyes
Republican 38 3 41 0.6%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 3,724 149 3,873 54.0%
Ron Paul
Republican 671 32 703 9.8%
Mitt Romney
Republican 660 73 733 10.2%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 8 0 8 0.1%
Fred Thompson
Republican 51 2 53 0.7%

Congressional District 2

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 305 12 317 0.6%
Hillary Clinton
Democratic 22,879 880 23,759 42.2%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 69 4 73 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 908 81 989 1.8%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 61 1 62 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 107 7 114 0.2%
Barack Obama Winner Selected    
Democratic 28,654 1,181 29,835 53.0%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 133 7 140 0.2%
Democratic 936 42 978 1.7%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 270 38 308 1.9%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 4,290 143 4,433 26.9%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 19 2 21 0.1%
Alan Keyes
Republican 162 15 177 1.1%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 8,076 306 8,382 50.8%
Ron Paul
Republican 1,435 43 1,478 9.0%
Mitt Romney
Republican 1,384 148 1,532 9.3%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 18 0 18 0.1%
Fred Thompson
Republican 136 5 141 0.9%

Congressional District 3

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 146 10 156 0.5%
Hillary Clinton
Democratic 14,733 870 15,603 46.5%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 31 2 33 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 361 64 425 1.3%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 28 2 30 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 60 2 62 0.2%
Barack Obama Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,740 928 16,668 49.6%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 96 12 108 0.3%
Democratic 448 40 488 1.5%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 128 8 136 1.5%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 1,974 54 2,028 22.6%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 6 0 6 0.1%
Alan Keyes
Republican 66 5 71 0.8%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 4,826 174 5,000 55.7%
Ron Paul
Republican 796 27 823 9.2%
Mitt Romney
Republican 752 53 805 9.0%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 12 0 12 0.1%
Fred Thompson
Republican 93 4 97 1.1%

Congressional District 6

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 16 2 18 0.5%
Hillary Clinton Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,667 84 1,751 44.3%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 2 0 2 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 89 11 100 2.5%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 5 0 5 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 13 0 13 0.3%
Barack Obama
Democratic 1,871 110 1,981 50.1%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 4 1 5 0.1%
Democratic 77 2 79 2.0%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 51 16 67 1.8%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 839 29 868 23.5%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 7 1 8 0.2%
Alan Keyes
Republican 20 5 25 0.7%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 1,793 114 1,907 51.6%
Ron Paul
Republican 452 12 464 12.5%
Mitt Romney
Republican 280 47 327 8.8%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 1 0 1 0.0%
Fred Thompson
Republican 30 1 31 0.8%

Congressional District 7

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 69 5 74 0.3%
Hillary Clinton
Democratic 5,655 224 5,879 22.6%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 20 1 21 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 180 21 201 0.8%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 18 1 19 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 57 1 58 0.2%
Barack Obama Winner Selected    
Democratic 18,735 716 19,451 74.9%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 48 8 56 0.2%
Democratic 210 12 222 0.9%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 55 4 59 1.5%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 1,076 28 1,104 27.4%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 11 1 12 0.3%
Alan Keyes
Republican 70 2 72 1.8%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 1,894 75 1,969 48.8%
Ron Paul
Republican 409 15 424 10.5%
Mitt Romney
Republican 312 35 347 8.6%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 6 1 7 0.2%
Fred Thompson
Republican 38 3 41 1.0%

Representative in Congress

Congressional District 1

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Steve Harper
Democratic 1,030 50 1,080 15.8%
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,792 100 2,892 42.4%
Christopher Robert Robinson
Democratic 1,744 78 1,822 26.7%
Joseph Werner
Democratic 979 47 1,026 15.0%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Arminio
Republican 80 6 86 1.2%
Robert Joseph Banks
Republican 95 1 96 1.4%
Wayne T. Gilchrest
Republican 1,031 76 1,107 15.8%
Andy Harris Winner Selected    
Republican 4,417 174 4,591 65.4%
E. J. Pipkin
Republican 1,086 54 1,140 16.2%

Congressional District 2

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Winner Selected    
Democratic 34,928 1,634 36,562 100.0%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Richard Pryce Matthews Winner Selected    
Republican 8,554 494 9,048 100.0%

Congressional District 3

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
John M. Rea
Democratic 2,796 149 2,945 9.8%
John P. Sarbanes Winner Selected    
Democratic 25,681 1,531 27,212 90.2%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Thomas E. "Pinkston" Harris Winner Selected    
Republican 2,837 79 2,916 44.7%
Christopher Panasuk
Republican 921 31 952 14.6%
Paul Spause
Republican 603 44 647 9.9%
John Stafford
Republican 1,937 69 2,006 30.8%

Congressional District 6

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Robin L. Deibert
Democratic 323 21 344 11.9%
Jennifer P. Dougherty Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,243 57 1,300 44.9%
Andrew Duck
Democratic 782 44 826 28.5%
Rick Lank
Democratic 100 10 110 3.8%
Larry John Smith
Democratic 299 15 314 10.9%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Roscoe Bartlett Winner Selected    
Republican 2,175 145 2,320 73.0%
Tom Croft
Republican 211 15 226 7.1%
John B. Kimble
Republican 168 18 186 5.9%
Joseph T. Krysztoforski
Republican 377 17 394 12.4%
Frank K. Nethken
Republican 47 3 50 1.6%

Congressional District 7

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Elijah Cummings Winner Selected    
Democratic 21,769 844 22,613 93.2%
Charles Ulysses Smith
Democratic 1,584 61 1,645 6.8%

Republican (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Ray Bly
Republican 729 31 760 26.8%
Michael T. Hargadon Winner Selected    
Republican 1,990 88 2,078 73.2%

Judge of the Circuit Court

Judicial Circuit 3

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Thomas J. Bollinger, Sr. Winner Selected    
N/A 76,954 3,584 80,538 52.7%
Pat Stringer Winner Selected    
N/A 68,915 3,400 72,315 47.3%

Republican (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Thomas J. Bollinger, Sr. Winner Selected    
N/A 25,015 1,193 26,208 53.0%
Pat Stringer Winner Selected    
N/A 22,124 1,087 23,211 47.0%

Female Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 1

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joyce M. Fitzpatrick (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,553 164 3,717 16.2%
Sandra Henry-Stocker (Obama)
Democratic 3,338 165 3,503 15.3%
Moonyene Jackson-Amis (Obama)
Democratic 3,018 154 3,172 13.8%
Cheryl Menke (Uncommitted)
Democratic 1,022 43 1,065 4.6%
Ina C. Taylor (Clinton)
Democratic 3,613 167 3,780 16.5%
Barrie Parsons Tilghman (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,567 156 3,723 16.3%
Nancy C. Voss (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,784 166 3,950 17.2%

Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 2

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Ann Costlow (Biden)
Democratic 1,736 84 1,820 1.3%
Marietta English (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 19,688 808 20,496 14.9%
Cheryl D. Glenn (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 24,488 1,036 25,524 18.6%
Judy Harris (Edwards)
Democratic 3,343 156 3,499 2.5%
Jeannette Hidden (Edwards)
Democratic 2,782 130 2,912 2.1%
Flo Jones (Clinton)
Democratic 16,451 720 17,171 12.5%
Kathleen Marie Miller (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 24,161 995 25,156 18.3%
Phyllis H. Panopoulos (Clinton)
Democratic 17,530 750 18,280 13.3%
Dana V. Shelley (Obama)
Democratic 21,787 927 22,714 16.5%

Female Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 3

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Four)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Madonna Norwood Brennan (Edwards)
Democratic 1,270 102 1,372 1.2%
Danelle Avery Buchman (Uncommitted)
Democratic 1,769 96 1,865 1.6%
Lyn Farrow (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 12,714 760 13,474 11.9%
Lisa Lopez Friedman (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 13,401 762 14,163 12.5%
Kate M. Furek (Edwards)
Democratic 1,284 108 1,392 1.2%
Sandy Hillman (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 13,168 798 13,966 12.4%
Penny McCrimmon (Obama)
Democratic 12,651 757 13,408 11.9%
Maggie McIntosh (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 12,539 777 13,316 11.8%
Ellen O. Moyer (Clinton)
Democratic 11,885 732 12,617 11.2%
Shane Pendergrass (Clinton)
Democratic 11,261 718 11,979 10.6%
Laura Perkins (Edwards)
Democratic 1,476 108 1,584 1.4%
Cynthia M. Saunders (Richardson)
Democratic 854 48 902 0.8%
Jen Terrasa (Obama)
Democratic 12,253 744 12,997 11.5%

Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 6

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Terri Crawford Fuller (Edwards)
Democratic 137 11 148 2.2%
Marcia A. Hall (Uncommitted)
Democratic 194 9 203 3.0%
Maggi Hays (Edwards)
Democratic 148 14 162 2.4%
Sue Hecht (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,377 75 1,452 21.3%
Cherie Krug (Clinton)
Democratic 1,275 71 1,346 19.8%
Ann-Marie Luciano (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,590 93 1,683 24.7%
Eileen Meier (Biden)
Democratic 68 4 72 1.1%
Janice Pacelli (Edwards)
Democratic 135 9 144 2.1%
Stephanie Wolf (Obama)
Democratic 1,514 88 1,602 23.5%

Female Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 7

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Four)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Sandra Bisbey (Richardson)
Democratic 633 28 661 0.8%
Stephanie E. Farquhar (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,056 565 15,621 17.9%
Carole Fisher (Clinton)
Democratic 5,017 205 5,222 6.0%
Lisa Gladden (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,855 604 16,459 18.9%
Sheila I. Hill (Clinton)
Democratic 4,970 206 5,176 5.9%
Helen L. Holton (Obama)
Democratic 14,720 565 15,285 17.5%
Adrienne A. Jones (Clinton)
Democratic 5,415 208 5,623 6.4%
Verna Jones (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,328 573 15,901 18.2%
Kristen M. Neville (Richardson)
Democratic 518 29 547 0.6%
Deanna Peel (Edwards)
Democratic 769 39 808 0.9%
Catherine Pugh (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 5,684 228 5,912 6.8%

Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 1

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mike A. Eaves (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,657 160 3,817 17.0%
Ryan Edward Ewing (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,447 161 3,608 16.1%
Arthur S. Hock (Clinton)
Democratic 3,488 158 3,646 16.2%
Jack Eugene Hughes (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,662 160 3,822 17.0%
Eric Wayne Kraai (Obama)
Democratic 3,131 161 3,292 14.7%
Gene M. Ransom, III (Obama)
Democratic 3,146 153 3,299 14.7%
Don Westbrook (Edwards)
Democratic 933 39 972 4.3%

Male Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 2

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Dion F. Guthrie (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 17,156 729 17,885 12.9%
Jay Hidden (Edwards)
Democratic 2,477 136 2,613 1.9%
Robert Johnson, Jr. (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 24,172 987 25,159 18.1%
Jake Mohorovic (Uncommitted)
Democratic 3,525 100 3,625 2.6%
James Ward Morrow (Obama)
Democratic 22,373 929 23,302 16.8%
Timothy J. O'Malley (Clinton)
Democratic 17,219 731 17,950 12.9%
"Johnny O" Olszewski, Sr. (Clinton)
Democratic 18,421 728 19,149 13.8%
Kwame Baraka Rich (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 22,126 926 23,052 16.6%
Scott Sokol (Edwards)
Democratic 2,078 116 2,194 1.6%
Mike Weir, Jr. (Edwards)
Democratic 3,788 146 3,934 2.8%

Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 3

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Brian S. Bailey (Edwards)
Democratic 1,248 96 1,344 1.5%
Arthur M. Brown (Uncommitted)
Democratic 1,365 51 1,416 1.6%
Jon S. Cardin (Richardson)
Democratic 2,976 125 3,101 3.5%
Dan Clements (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 13,333 766 14,099 15.9%
Deva Angel Dwarka (Richardson)
Democratic 292 16 308 0.3%
C. Vernon Gray (Uncommitted)
Democratic 1,133 44 1,177 1.3%
Jon M. Laria (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 12,145 706 12,851 14.5%
Noel Levy (Uncommitted)
Democratic 1,712 61 1,773 2.0%
Al Liebeskind (Edwards)
Democratic 883 83 966 1.1%
David A. Marker (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 12,766 729 13,495 15.2%
Patrick T. O'Malley (Biden)
Democratic 862 34 896 1.0%
Ian Pfeiffer (Biden)
Democratic 339 15 354 0.4%
Wayne L. Rogers (Clinton)
Democratic 11,478 695 12,173 13.7%
C. A. Cory Ruppersberger (Clinton)
Democratic 11,713 733 12,446 14.0%
Robert Yochem (Obama)
Democratic 11,530 706 12,236 13.8%

Male Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 6

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
James Bestpitch (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,243 67 1,310 13.5%
Goodloe E. Byron, Jr. (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,493 79 1,572 16.2%
Galen R. Clagett (Edwards)
Democratic 138 11 149 1.5%
John P. Donoghue (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,346 69 1,415 14.6%
Bill DuVall (Edwards)
Democratic 142 15 157 1.6%
Brian K. Grim (Obama)
Democratic 1,501 89 1,590 16.4%
Larry Kasecamp (Clinton)
Democratic 1,239 68 1,307 13.4%
Bob Kresslein (Edwards)
Democratic 131 10 141 1.5%
Peter E. Perini, Sr. (Richardson)
Democratic 51 6 57 0.6%
John T. Riley (Edwards)
Democratic 148 13 161 1.7%
Thomas G. Slater (Obama)
Democratic 1,514 87 1,601 16.5%
William H. Stevens, Sr. (Uncommitted)
Democratic 186 9 195 2.0%
Ron Wolf (Richardson)
Democratic 60 7 67 0.7%

Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 7

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Curt Anderson (Obama)
Democratic 15,556 569 16,125 24.2%
Frank M. Conaway (Edwards)
Democratic 1,492 44 1,536 2.3%
Robert W. Curran (Richardson)
Democratic 717 30 747 1.1%
Anwer J. Hasan (Clinton)
Democratic 4,533 180 4,713 7.1%
Bill Marker (Richardson)
Democratic 274 17 291 0.4%
Nathaniel J. McFadden (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,846 589 16,435 24.6%
James Mellicant (Edwards)
Democratic 524 26 550 0.8%
Keiffer J. Mitchell, Jr. (Obama) Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,587 574 16,161 24.2%
John V. Murphy (Biden)
Democratic 516 17 533 0.8%
H. Alexander Robinson (Clinton)
Democratic 4,482 187 4,669 7.0%
Jonathan Weinstein (Richardson)
Democratic 289 19 308 0.5%
Bernard C. "Jack" Young (Clinton) Winner Selected    
Democratic 4,472 190 4,662 7.0%

Delegates to the Republican National Convention

Congressional District 1

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Gail M. Bartkovich (Giuliani)
Republican 339 13 352 1.9%
Wilfred R. Bleakley, Jr. (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 2,987 118 3,105 16.4%
Craig Borne (Romney)
Republican 845 66 911 4.8%
David Boschert (Romney)
Republican 701 66 767 4.1%
Ingrid Dean (Paul)
Republican 637 27 664 3.5%
Adelaide "Addie" Eckardt (Romney)
Republican 684 64 748 4.0%
Michael A. Geppi
Republican 262 5 267 1.4%
Harry E. Greer, III (Huckabee)
Republican 1,299 41 1,340 7.1%
Stefini Greer (Huckabee)
Republican 1,151 37 1,188 6.3%
Jeannie Haddaway (Thompson)
Republican 197 9 206 1.1%
David Bruce Hays (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 2,783 124 2,907 15.4%
J. B. Jennings (Thompson)
Republican 362 12 374 2.0%
Nicholaus R. Kipke (Giuliani)
Republican 167 10 177 0.9%
Bonnie Nelson Luna
Republican 71 1 72 0.4%
Jeanne Lynch
Republican 114 3 117 0.6%
Susan K. McComas (Giuliani)
Republican 303 14 317 1.7%
Tony McConkey (Huckabee)
Republican 1,170 37 1,207 6.4%
Brett W. Peterson (Paul)
Republican 615 32 647 3.4%
Harold D. Poole (Paul)
Republican 598 27 625 3.3%
Gregory N. Seltzer (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 2,590 121 2,711 14.3%
Richard A. Sossi (Thompson)
Republican 138 3 141 0.7%
Stephen B. Wing
Republican 62 2 64 0.3%

Congressional District 2

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mark Wallace Bell (Paul)
Republican 1,784 46 1,830 4.3%
Joseph C. Boteler, III (Thompson)
Republican 1,344 38 1,382 3.2%
Heather J. Canoles
Republican 748 16 764 1.8%
David R. Craig (Giuliani)
Republican 1,045 44 1,089 2.5%
Walter Cukier (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 6,159 253 6,412 14.9%
Steve Dishon (Romney)
Republican 2,102 130 2,232 5.2%
John C. Fiastro, Jr. (Huckabee)
Republican 3,378 120 3,498 8.1%
Frederick R. Fleischmann
Republican 191 9 200 0.5%
William J. Frank (Thompson)
Republican 848 40 888 2.1%
Brian Griffiths
Republican 224 11 235 0.5%
Nancy C. Jacobs (Thompson)
Republican 940 31 971 2.3%
James Kohl, Jr. (Giuliani)
Republican 467 36 503 1.2%
Richard Pryce Matthews (Paul)
Republican 1,377 47 1,424 3.3%
Ric Metzgar (Huckabee)
Republican 2,915 110 3,025 7.0%
Robert D. Miclean (Huckabee)
Republican 3,050 111 3,161 7.4%
Paula R. Mullis (Giuliani)
Republican 434 37 471 1.1%
Christopher W. Pate (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 5,183 242 5,425 12.6%
Bryan W. Simonaire (Romney)
Republican 1,286 124 1,410 3.3%
Michael Scott Story (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 5,111 228 5,339 12.4%
George S. Umbarger (Paul)
Republican 1,323 42 1,365 3.2%
Georgia Kay Woerner (Romney)
Republican 1,214 127 1,341 3.1%

Congressional District 3

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Nicolee W. Ambrose (Thompson)
Republican 537 9 546 2.3%
Gary E. Applebaum (Giuliani)
Republican 685 24 709 3.0%
Diane M. Baker (Giuliani)
Republican 546 11 557 2.3%
Norm Bednarek (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,363 129 3,492 14.6%
Carl Wesley Bissett
Republican 53 2 55 0.2%
David R. Blumberg (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,634 139 3,773 15.8%
J. Michael Collins
Republican 157 3 160 0.7%
Christian Conti-Vock (Paul)
Republican 748 27 775 3.2%
Robert P. Duckworth (Romney)
Republican 947 56 1,003 4.2%
Janet Greenip (Romney)
Republican 712 50 762 3.2%
Barbara Viventi Howard (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,381 135 3,516 14.7%
Peter Justesen
Republican 35 1 36 0.2%
James J. King (Giuliani)
Republican 211 4 215 0.9%
Ronald C. Lingenfelder
Republican 98 1 99 0.4%
Michael Edward Malone
Republican 182 6 188 0.8%
Benjamin A. Neil
Republican 86 0 86 0.4%
Mark Newgent
Republican 38 2 40 0.2%
Christopher Panasuk (Paul)
Republican 796 32 828 3.5%
Justin Ready (Huckabee)
Republican 1,483 43 1,526 6.4%
Tom Redmond (Thompson)
Republican 197 6 203 0.9%
Douglas B. Riley (Romney)
Republican 998 60 1,058 4.4%
Tony Ristaino
Republican 50 6 56 0.2%
Wayne Smith (Huckabee)
Republican 1,499 42 1,541 6.5%
John Stafford
Republican 142 7 149 0.6%
Bruce Voris (Paul)
Republican 669 28 697 2.9%
Jerry Walker (Thompson)
Republican 191 7 198 0.8%
Rob Warlick (Huckabee)
Republican 1,411 40 1,451 6.1%
John White
Republican 136 2 138 0.6%

Congressional District 6

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Carmen Amedori (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,428 97 1,525 15.5%
Philip Baker-Shenk (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,412 98 1,510 15.4%
Richard L. Benjamin (Huckabee)
Republican 722 28 750 7.6%
David R. Brinkley (Thompson)
Republican 119 9 128 1.3%
Trevor Broadt
Republican 29 3 32 0.3%
Brenda Butscher (Romney)
Republican 331 45 376 3.8%
Chris Cavey (Thompson)
Republican 221 8 229 2.3%
John Marshall Etzler
Republican 19 0 19 0.2%
Patricia Ann Fenati (Huckabee)
Republican 637 29 666 6.8%
Joseph M. Getty (Thompson)
Republican 104 5 109 1.1%
Philip Greene (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,342 98 1,440 14.6%
Glen D. Litsinger (Paul)
Republican 463 13 476 4.8%
Kelley M. McIver (Paul)
Republican 430 12 442 4.5%
Alex X. Mooney (Romney)
Republican 364 47 411 4.2%
LeRoy E. Myers, Jr. (Giuliani)
Republican 83 14 97 1.0%
Frank K. Nethken
Republican 12 2 14 0.1%
James Reilly
Republican 56 2 58 0.6%
Scott L. Rolle (Giuliani)
Republican 100 19 119 1.2%
Christopher B. Shank (Huckabee)
Republican 588 28 616 6.3%
Tanya A. Shewell (Romney)
Republican 246 37 283 2.9%
Allen L. Twigg (Paul)
Republican 407 12 419 4.3%
David Wallace
Republican 36 3 39 0.4%
Richard Weldon (Giuliani)
Republican 64 11 75 0.8%

Congressional District 7

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
David Everett Anderson (Huckabee)
Republican 1,023 28 1,051 9.8%
Gail H. Bates (Thompson)
Republican 199 8 207 1.9%
Joan M. Becker (Giuliani)
Republican 240 5 245 2.3%
Joseph Brown, Jr. (Romney)
Republican 518 36 554 5.2%
Patrick J. Citroni (Paul)
Republican 545 12 557 5.2%
Greg Fox (Romney)
Republican 335 23 358 3.3%
Gerson N. Kaplan (Paul)
Republican 391 14 405 3.8%
Allan H. Kittleman (Romney)
Republican 414 38 452 4.2%
Donna M. Martini (Paul)
Republican 411 13 424 4.0%
Clark B. Miller
Republican 71 3 74 0.7%
Warren E. Miller (Thompson)
Republican 103 10 113 1.1%
Don Murphy (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,494 65 1,559 14.5%
Gloria B. Murphy (Huckabee)
Republican 917 29 946 8.8%
Albert L. Nalley (Thompson)
Republican 153 14 167 1.6%
Shandon C. Phan (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,246 57 1,303 12.2%
Arne L. Schoeller, Jr. (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,208 59 1,267 11.8%
Douglas P. Stiegler (Huckabee)
Republican 841 21 862 8.0%
Denise Ugast (Giuliani)
Republican 87 4 91 0.8%
Andy Weinrub (Giuliani)
Republican 84 5 89 0.8%

Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention

Congressional District 1

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mary Amlong (Paul)
Republican 727 34 761 4.4%
Richard L. Andrews
Republican 165 8 173 1.0%
Debbie Belcher (Huckabee)
Republican 1,501 44 1,545 8.8%
Greg Belcher
Republican 216 11 227 1.3%
Lori L. Brown
Republican 216 6 222 1.3%
Marirose J. Capozzi (Romney)
Republican 903 69 972 5.6%
John V. Daliani
Republican 65 1 66 0.4%
Jamie Falcon (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,019 122 3,141 18.0%
Dottie Griffith (Romney)
Republican 833 69 902 5.2%
Ryan Hohman (Paul)
Republican 741 33 774 4.4%
Andrew M. Langer (Giuliani)
Republican 255 15 270 1.5%
Paul S. Magness (Giuliani)
Republican 319 10 329 1.9%
Ryan Nawrocki
Republican 137 5 142 0.8%
Shannon Patricia Oxley (Thompson)
Republican 221 6 227 1.3%
Damon Pace
Republican 71 2 73 0.4%
Michael J. Pappas (Thompson)
Republican 333 15 348 2.0%
Charles Edward Peck (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 2,649 113 2,762 15.8%
Delphine Peck (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 2,443 107 2,550 14.6%
Ted Pibil (Thompson)
Republican 148 6 154 0.9%
Steve Schuh (Giuliani)
Republican 291 11 302 1.7%
Jim Voris (Paul)
Republican 698 30 728 4.2%
Stephen M. Wright (Romney)
Republican 756 66 822 4.7%

Congressional District 2

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
George F. Deibel, III (Romney)
Republican 1,909 146 2,055 5.3%
Nick Everett
Republican 625 35 660 1.7%
Glen Glass (Romney)
Republican 1,947 144 2,091 5.4%
Kenneth E. Gostomski (Paul)
Republican 1,653 51 1,704 4.4%
Ed Jones (Paul)
Republican 1,573 51 1,624 4.2%
Jody R. Kakacek (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 6,286 258 6,544 17.0%
Steven K. Kline (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 6,489 265 6,754 17.6%
Sheryl Davis Kohl (Giuliani)
Republican 927 49 976 2.5%
Alfred Mendelsohn (Thompson)
Republican 800 30 830 2.2%
Brian Joseph Myers, Sr. (Paul)
Republican 1,652 50 1,702 4.4%
Emil B. Pielke (Huckabee)
Republican 3,740 126 3,866 10.1%
Daniel J. Rice (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 5,934 245 6,179 16.1%
Patricia A. Scott (Giuliani)
Republican 823 45 868 2.3%
Anne G. Sunderland (Thompson)
Republican 881 43 924 2.4%
Bob Thomas (Giuliani)
Republican 659 38 697 1.8%
"Woody" Herman Wood (Thompson)
Republican 933 40 973 2.5%

Congressional District 3

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Richard A. Ambrose (Thompson)
Republican 469 10 479 2.2%
James P. Appel (Thompson)
Republican 305 8 313 1.4%
Sean Davidson (Paul)
Republican 823 25 848 3.8%
Ron Elfenbein (Giuliani)
Republican 402 14 416 1.9%
Chuck Gast (Romney)
Republican 926 56 982 4.4%
Randall Benson Gearhart (Paul)
Republican 804 26 830 3.8%
Jenny Hahne
Republican 206 2 208 0.9%
Sandra N. Harriman
Republican 179 5 184 0.8%
Craig Meister (Thompson)
Republican 303 8 311 1.4%
J. Gary Middlebrooks
Republican 111 2 113 0.5%
Kristin Miller (Paul)
Republican 871 30 901 4.1%
Mark H. Olanoff (Giuliani)
Republican 319 16 335 1.5%
Rebecca Phillips (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,628 143 3,771 17.1%
Ruth Ready (Huckabee)
Republican 1,578 44 1,622 7.3%
Melanie R. Sabelhaus (Romney)
Republican 883 48 931 4.2%
Duane Shelton
Republican 127 7 134 0.6%
Amy Shuster (Romney)
Republican 913 59 972 4.4%
Mark Supple (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,250 133 3,383 15.3%
Timothy Lloyd Tilghman (Huckabee)
Republican 1,556 45 1,601 7.2%
Samuel J. White (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 3,322 138 3,460 15.7%
T. Sky Woodward (Giuliani)
Republican 283 15 298 1.3%

Congressional District 6

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
S. Chris Anders (Huckabee)
Republican 681 30 711 7.4%
Jeffery A. Bailey, Jr. (Huckabee)
Republican 710 28 738 7.7%
Paul Andrew Buede (Paul)
Republican 479 15 494 5.2%
Brandon Butler (Thompson)
Republican 121 10 131 1.4%
Tiffane Coe (Paul)
Republican 440 11 451 4.7%
John B. Dunlap (Romney)
Republican 328 45 373 3.9%
Joseph B. Edlow (Giuliani)
Republican 101 13 114 1.2%
Dino E. Flores, Jr. (Romney)
Republican 269 46 315 3.3%
Robert A. McKee (Romney)
Republican 322 42 364 3.8%
John S. Moulton (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,422 100 1,522 15.9%
Patricia A. Moulton (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,290 96 1,386 14.5%
Katie Nash
Republican 94 5 99 1.0%
Linda S. Parker (Paul)
Republican 460 15 475 5.0%
Teresa E. Reilly (Giuliani)
Republican 97 18 115 1.2%
James C. Richardson (Giuliani)
Republican 86 16 102 1.1%
Megan Ritter (Huckabee)
Republican 604 26 630 6.6%
April R. Rose (Thompson)
Republican 86 7 93 1.0%
Kelly M. Schulz (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,310 96 1,406 14.7%
Robert J. Small
Republican 57 4 61 0.6%

Congressional District 7

Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
A.J. Bellido de Luna (Giuliani)
Republican 134 6 140 1.4%
Carol C. Byrd (Huckabee)
Republican 985 28 1,013 10.0%
John M. Davidson (Paul)
Republican 444 14 458 4.5%
Paul Demos (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,436 61 1,497 14.8%
Loretta D. Gaffney (Thompson)
Republican 162 6 168 1.7%
Michael T. Hargadon (Paul)
Republican 536 15 551 5.4%
Brian Harlin (Romney)
Republican 430 35 465 4.6%
Joseph John Healy (Paul)
Republican 471 15 486 4.8%
John Hencken (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,416 61 1,477 14.6%
Rick Martel (Thompson)
Republican 214 14 228 2.2%
Christopher J. McCabe (Huckabee)
Republican 957 26 983 9.7%
Christopher J. Merdon (Giuliani)
Republican 114 5 119 1.2%
Kendall Taylor Murphy (McCain) Winner Selected    
Republican 1,462 64 1,526 15.1%
Kevin Rodkey (Giuliani)
Republican 102 5 107 1.1%
Loretta H. Shields (Romney)
Republican 360 32 392 3.9%
John D. Wafer (Romney)
Republican 314 28 342 3.4%
Steve Whisler (Thompson)
Republican 167 17 184 1.8%