2008 Primary Election Results
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Official 2008 Presidential Primary Election results for Queen Anne's County

NR: not reported

Board of Education

Commissioner District 1

Non-Partisan (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
H. Joseph "Joe" Gannon, Jr. Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 3,856 474 4,330 48.7%
Michael A. Morris
Non-Partisan 1,141 134 1,275 14.3%
Cindy Todd Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,917 366 3,283 36.9%

Commissioner District 2

Non-Partisan (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
William M. Blades
Non-Partisan 1,949 245 2,194 24.8%
LC Lawrence
Non-Partisan 871 101 972 11.0%
Mary T. McCarthy Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,661 348 3,009 34.0%
Vito Tinelli, III Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,434 253 2,687 30.3%

Commissioner District 3

Non-Partisan (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
John Feldman
Non-Partisan 1,543 236 1,779 21.8%
Cheryl H. Jaffe Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,581 362 2,943 36.1%
Edward "Eddie" Miller Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 3,157 279 3,436 42.1%

Commissioner District 4

Non-Partisan (Vote for One)
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Allen T. Cork Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,148 258 2,406 29.4%
Lisa M. Darden Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 2,840 328 3,168 38.8%
Ross E. Dinkel
Non-Partisan 927 91 1,018 12.5%
Natalie L. Steen
Non-Partisan 1,385 197 1,582 19.4%