2010 General Election Results
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Official 2010 Gubernatorial General Election results for St. Mary's County

NR: not reported

County Commissioner President

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jack Russell Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,448 13,274 847 15,569 50.0%
Thomas F. McKay
Republican 1,357 13,351 737 15,445 49.6%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 17 102 10 129 0.4%

County Commissioner

Commissioner District 1

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Elfreda Talbert Mathis
Democratic 1,052 9,499 631 11,182 36.4%
Cindy Jones Winner Selected    
Republican 1,740 16,842 931 19,513 63.5%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 1 20 1 22 0.1%

Commissioner District 2

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Arthur Shepherd
Democratic 1,404 11,851 788 14,043 46.0%
Dan Morris Winner Selected    
Republican 1,377 14,352 747 16,476 53.9%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 1 20 1 22 0.1%

Commissioner District 3

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Bill Mattingly
Democratic 1,433 12,517 775 14,725 47.8%
Larry Jarboe Winner Selected    
Republican 1,337 13,931 769 16,037 52.1%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 6 30 2 38 0.1%

Commissioner District 4

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mary M. Washington
Democratic 1,090 10,603 712 12,405 40.1%
Todd B. Morgan Winner Selected    
Republican 1,708 15,965 857 18,530 59.9%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 1 8 0 9 0.0%


(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jannette P. Norris Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,317 21,439 1,208 24,964 98.8%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 32 261 23 316 1.3%

State's Attorney

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
John Mattingly
Democratic 930 9,744 629 11,303 36.9%
Richard D. Fritz Winner Selected    
Republican 1,818 16,524 890 19,232 62.8%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 16 46 8 70 0.2%

Clerk of the Circuit Court

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joanie W. Williams Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,169 20,098 1,164 23,431 99.1%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 30 183 11 224 0.9%

Register of Wills

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Lois Duke Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,084 19,555 1,136 22,775 99.1%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 26 166 12 204 0.9%

Judge of the Orphans' Court

(Vote for No More Than Three)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Linda R. Dean Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,637 14,089 801 16,527 30.8%
Jenks Mattingly Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,615 13,839 804 16,258 30.3%
Dalton Wood, Jr. Winner Selected    
Republican 2,005 17,750 945 20,700 38.6%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 28 166 8 202 0.4%


(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Tim Cameron Winner Selected    
Republican 2,453 22,999 1,275 26,727 99.0%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 21 220 19 260 1.0%

Board of Education

Commissioner District 1

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Sal Raspa Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 1,177 10,984 655 12,816 51.7%
James Tomasic
Non-Partisan 1,150 10,216 564 11,930 48.1%
Other Write-Ins
Non-Partisan 10 52 4 66 0.3%

Commissioner District 3

(Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Brooke Matthews Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 1,918 18,359 979 21,256 99.5%
Other Write-Ins
Non-Partisan 14 89 9 112 0.5%