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l version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> Maryland State Board of Elections
Maryland's official website for
voter registration, voting, and
access to election-related data.
State Board of Elections:
    * Bobbie S. Mack, Chairman    * David J. McManus, Jr., Vice Chairman    * Rachel T. McGuckian    * Patrick H. Murray    * Charles E. Thomann   

State Administrator of Elections:  * Linda H. Lamone
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Unofficial Election Turnout
Election results reported to the State Board of Elections last updated 11/28/2012 08:56:14 AM
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 County # Precincts Reporting EV EN AB1 Prov AB2  County # Precincts Reporting EV EN AB1 Prov AB2
Allegany 36 of 36 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Anne Arundel 189 of 189 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Baltimore City 294 of 294 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Baltimore 227 of 227 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Calvert 23 of 23 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Caroline 8 of 8 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Carroll 35 of 35 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Cecil 19 of 19 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Charles 43 of 43 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Dorchester 31 of 31 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Frederick 74 of 74 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Garrett 19 of 19 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Harford 75 of 75 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Howard 111 of 111 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Kent 10 of 10 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Montgomery 238 of 238 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Prince George's 226 of 226 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Queen Anne's 16 of 16 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
St. Mary's 31 of 31 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Somerset 23 of 23 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Talbot 12 of 12 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Washington 54 of 54 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Wicomico 38 of 38 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark Worcester 18 of 18 checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
  • checkmark - Results have been reported.
  • checkmark* - Partial Results have been reported.
  • EV - Early Voting Canvass Results.
  • EN - Election Night Canvass Results.
  • AB1 - First Absentee Ballot Canvass Results.
  • Prov - Provisional Ballot Canvass Results.
  • AB2 - Second Absentee Ballot Canvass Results.