2014 Election Results
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Official 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election results for Calvert County

Last Updated 07/16/2014 11:13:17 AM
NR: not reported

County Commissioner At Large

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joyce Stinnett Baki Winner Selected    
Democratic 513 2,271 95 2,879 38.2%
George W. Owings, III Winner Selected    
Democratic 628 2,696 116 3,440 45.6%
Nance Pretto-Simmons
Democratic 218 963 42 1,223 16.2%
Republican (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
David Gatton
Republican 302 1,577 81 1,960 20.8%
Tom Hejl Winner Selected    
Republican 375 1,975 94 2,444 25.9%
Linda L. Kelley
Republican 286 1,800 119 2,205 23.4%
Steve Weems Winner Selected    
Republican 450 2,231 129 2,810 29.8%

County Commissioner

Commissioner District 1

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Emad Emile Dides Winner Selected    
Democratic 553 2,470 113 3,136 100.0%
Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Chenelly
Republican 242 1,122 45 1,409 25.5%
Gerald W. "Jerry" Clark
Republican 309 1,478 100 1,887 34.1%
Mike Hart Winner Selected    
Republican 278 1,849 104 2,231 40.4%

Commissioner District 2

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Michael J. Moore Winner Selected    
Democratic 730 3,191 131 4,052 100.0%
Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Benjamin Lee Krause
Republican 196 1,167 51 1,414 27.1%
Pat Nutter Winner Selected    
Republican 592 3,048 170 3,810 72.9%

Commissioner District 3

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Kelly McConkey Winner Selected    
Democratic 673 3,037 128 3,838 100.0%
Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Evan K., Slaughenhoupt, Jr. Winner Selected    
Republican 634 3,475 189 4,298 100.0%


Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Nova Tracy-Soper Winner Selected    
Republican 663 3,597 192 4,452 100.0%

State's Attorney

Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Laura L. Martin Winner Selected    
Republican 678 3,606 194 4,478 100.0%

Clerk of the Circuit Court

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Kathy P. Smith Winner Selected    
Democratic 797 3,448 146 4,391 100.0%

Register of Wills

Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Margaret H. Phipps Winner Selected    
Democratic 820 3,523 153 4,496 100.0%
Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mark S. Lynch Winner Selected    
Republican 578 3,302 177 4,057 100.0%

Judge of the Orphans' Court

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Thomas Michael Pelagatti Winner Selected    
Democratic 759 3,260 137 4,156 100.0%
Republican (Vote for No More Than Three)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Leslie Downs Winner Selected    
Republican 593 3,180 173 3,946 53.2%
Theodore Philip LeBlanc Winner Selected    
Republican 532 2,783 158 3,473 46.8%


Democratic (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Craig W. Kontra Winner Selected    
Democratic 746 3,264 128 4,138 100.0%
Republican (Vote for One)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mike Evans Winner Selected    
Republican 597 3,418 199 4,214 100.0%

Democratic Central Committee

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Nine)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Greg Brown Winner Selected    
Democratic 328 1,486 54 1,868 7.3%
Maria Buehler Winner Selected    
Democratic 411 1,683 86 2,180 8.5%
Eloise Evans Winner Selected    
Democratic 324 1,403 68 1,795 7.0%
Nicholas Joseph Ferrante
Democratic 250 1,079 37 1,366 5.4%
Thomas J.L. Hausmann
Democratic 221 844 30 1,095 4.3%
John R. McGuffin
Democratic 322 1,248 48 1,618 6.3%
Melissa Ann Miller Winner Selected    
Democratic 445 1,790 87 2,322 9.1%
Hagner R. Mister Winner Selected    
Democratic 490 1,826 72 2,388 9.4%
Marcus Justin Paul
Democratic 113 617 20 750 2.9%
Cheryl Place
Democratic 289 1,204 52 1,545 6.1%
Tricia V. Powell Winner Selected    
Democratic 305 1,380 69 1,754 6.9%
Duwane P. Rager
Democratic 149 485 23 657 2.6%
Cliff Savoy Winner Selected    
Democratic 426 1,642 73 2,141 8.4%
Monica Lee Silbas Winner Selected    
Democratic 200 949 43 1,192 4.7%
Beth E. Swoap Winner Selected    
Democratic 326 1,258 59 1,643 6.4%
Abby Ybarra
Democratic 211 936 43 1,190 4.7%

Republican Central Committee

Republican (Vote for No More Than Nine)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Mike Blasey Winner Selected    
Republican 268 1,599 89 1,956 7.2%
Ella Ennis Winner Selected    
Republican 440 1,825 142 2,407 8.9%
Michael S. Fine
Republican 246 1,501 85 1,832 6.8%
Benjamin Lee Krause Winner Selected    
Republican 386 2,072 93 2,551 9.4%
Frank McCabe Winner Selected    
Republican 482 2,175 142 2,799 10.3%
Gregory W. Ostrander Winner Selected    
Republican 332 1,644 96 2,072 7.7%
Robert "Rob" Reed Winner Selected    
Republican 351 1,840 88 2,279 8.4%
Carolyn A. Rice Winner Selected    
Republican 390 1,976 130 2,496 9.2%
Richard A. Romer
Republican 280 1,500 83 1,863 6.9%
Sarah Elisabeth Rosier Winner Selected    
Republican 351 1,827 113 2,291 8.5%
David C. Weigel Winner Selected    
Republican 437 2,100 114 2,651 9.8%
Justin McDonald Wood
Republican 247 1,561 75 1,883 7.0%

Board of Education At Large

Non-Partisan (Vote for No More Than Two)
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Dawn C. Balinski Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 611 2,791 138 3,540 19.4%
Pamela L. Cousins Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 669 3,255 158 4,082 22.3%
Eugene "Gene" Karol Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 641 3,001 163 3,805 20.8%
William J. "Bill" Phalen Winner Selected    
Non-Partisan 701 3,351 144 4,196 23.0%
Billy Saunders
Non-Partisan 387 2,151 109 2,647 14.5%

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