2014 Election Results
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Official 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election results for State Senator

Last Updated 07/16/2014 11:04:26 AM
NR: not reported

State Senator

Legislative District 34

Democratic (Vote for One) County Break Down
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Arthur Henry Helton, Jr.
Democratic 615 2,262 120 2,997 38.9%
Mary-Dulany James Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,051 3,499 155 4,705 61.1%
Republican (Vote for One) County Break Down
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Bob Cassilly Winner Selected    
Republican 829 4,096 133 5,058 100.0%