2016 Election Results
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Official 2016 Presidential Primary Election results for Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention - Congressional District 6

Last Updated 05/31/2016 02:02:29 PM
NR: not reported
Return to Election Results for Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention Congressional District 6

Results are displayed in multiple tables based on the number of candidates.

Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention

Congressional District 6

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Lydia Jines (Uncommitted)
Suzi Williams Kaplan (Sanders)
Winner Selected    
Elizabeth Landry (Sanders)
Winner Selected    
Claudia Martin (Uncommitted)
Joyce Ellen McDonald (Sanders)
Andrea Renee Montague (Clinton)
Allegany 718 2,236 2,185 819 2,176 1,954
Frederick 958 6,162 6,214 1,097 5,818 7,085
Garrett 252 751 741 271 726 671
Montgomery 3,060 15,751 16,121 3,353 15,159 28,667
Washington 1,314 4,597 4,462 1,649 4,334 5,059
Totals 6,302 (2.1%) 29,497 (9.7%) 29,723 (9.8%) 7,189 (2.4%) 28,213 (9.3%) 43,436 (14.3%)

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Jody J. Oliver (Clinton)
Winner Selected    
Melanie Oringer (Sanders)
Elizabeth Paul (Clinton)
Winner Selected    
Lily Qi (Uncommitted)
Nadia Syahmalina (Clinton)
Allegany 2,155 2,042 1,998 662 1,702
Frederick 6,931 5,647 6,793 1,049 6,358
Garrett 663 690 656 203 594
Montgomery 28,697 14,672 28,565 3,345 26,696
Washington 5,093 4,102 5,464 1,169 4,468
Totals 43,539 (14.3%) 27,153 (8.9%) 43,476 (14.3%) 6,428 (2.1%) 39,818 (13.1%)