2016 Election Results
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Official 2016 Presidential Primary Election results for President of the United States

Last Updated 05/31/2016 02:02:24 PM
NR: not reported

President of the United States

Congressional District 2

Republican Vote for 1 County Break Down

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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jeb Bush
Republican 38 208 21 267 0.6%
Ben Carson
Republican 75 594 32 701 1.5%
Chris Christie
Republican 17 142 7 166 0.4%
Ted Cruz
Republican 1,243 5,966 355 7,564 16.4%
Carly Fiorina
Republican 12 103 6 121 0.3%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 10 56 6 72 0.2%
John R. Kasich
Republican 1,409 7,218 410 9,037 19.5%
Rand Paul
Republican 19 129 10 158 0.3%
Marco Rubio
Republican 34 217 18 269 0.6%
Rick Santorum
Republican 7 28 4 39 0.1%
Donald J. Trump Winner Selected    
Republican 4,050 22,776 1,018 27,844 60.2%

Democratic Vote for 1 County Break Down

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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Hillary Clinton Winner Selected    
Democratic 15,681 44,879 2,640 63,200 58.8%
Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente
Democratic 88 522 22 632 0.6%
Bernie Sanders
Democratic 6,411 30,272 2,638 39,321 36.6%
Democratic 709 3,494 177 4,380 4.1%