2018 Election Results
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Official 2018 Gubernatorial Primary Election results for Harford County

Last Updated 07/31/2018 06:13:17 PM
NR: not reported
checkmark: Denotes Winner of the Election

County Executive

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Barry Glassman Winner Selected    
Republican 3,503 9,630 318 13,451 71.6%
Mike Perrone, Jr.
Republican 1,403 3,813 123 5,339 28.4%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Maryann Connaghan Forgan Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,599 7,531 340 11,470 100.0%

President of the County Council

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Shawn A. Kingston
Republican 822 2,527 100 3,449 20.3%
Patrick Vincenti Winner Selected    
Republican 3,652 9,577 294 13,523 79.7%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Samuel T. Gibson, III
Democratic 1,854 4,063 154 6,071 49.4%
Frank "Bud" Hines Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,020 4,002 206 6,228 50.6%

County Council

District A
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(12 of 12 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Donna Blasdell Winner Selected    
Republican 267 562 11 840 58.8%
Paula R. Mullis
Republican 158 421 9 588 41.2%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(12 of 12 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Dion F. Guthrie
Democratic 411 785 21 1,217 46.2%
Andre V. Johnson Winner Selected    
Democratic 554 846 16 1,416 53.8%

District B
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(12 of 12 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Woods Winner Selected    
Republican 811 2,204 34 3,049 100.0%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(12 of 12 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Suzanne Oshinsky Winner Selected    
Democratic 560 1,179 47 1,786 100.0%

District C
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(11 of 11 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Susan Burdette
Republican 356 602 48 1,006 28.6%
Tony "G" Giangiordano Winner Selected    
Republican 446 1,191 50 1,687 48.0%
Patti Parker
Republican 250 540 32 822 23.4%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(11 of 11 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Karen Kukurin Winner Selected    
Democratic 640 1,175 90 1,905 100.0%

District D
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(16 of 16 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jerry Scarborough
Republican 355 1,088 32 1,475 31.9%
Chad R. Shrodes Winner Selected    
Republican 751 2,345 51 3,147 68.1%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(16 of 16 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jean M. Salvatore Winner Selected    
Democratic 410 1,003 34 1,447 100.0%

District E
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(17 of 17 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Diane L. Sengstacke
Republican 329 878 19 1,226 49.2%
Robert S. Wagner Winner Selected    
Republican 300 935 29 1,264 50.8%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(17 of 17 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Bridgette Johnson Winner Selected    
Democratic 618 1,198 44 1,860 100.0%

District F
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(18 of 18 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Curtis L. Beulah Winner Selected    
Republican 308 1,041 38 1,387 61.2%
John Michael Finlayson
Republican 34 139 10 183 8.1%
Amy Altmann Jahnigen
Republican 145 523 28 696 30.7%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(18 of 18 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Winifred "Wini" Roche Winner Selected    
Democratic 624 1,610 82 2,316 100.0%

State's Attorney

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Lisa H. Marts
Republican 934 2,503 101 3,538 20.0%
Albert Peisinger Winner Selected    
Republican 1,694 5,010 166 6,870 38.8%
David Wesley Ryden
Republican 1,612 3,954 112 5,678 32.1%
Steven L. Trostle
Republican 376 1,200 24 1,600 9.0%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Carlos R. Taylor Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,638 7,501 337 11,476 100.0%

Clerk of the Circuit Court

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
James Reilly Winner Selected    
Republican 4,119 11,301 355 15,775 100.0%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Sabra M. Kurth Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,610 7,466 339 11,415 100.0%

Register of Wills

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Derek K. Hopkins Winner Selected    
Republican 4,148 11,456 366 15,970 100.0%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jo Wanda Strickland Lucas Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,609 7,517 344 11,470 100.0%


Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Jeffrey R. Gahler Winner Selected    
Republican 4,308 11,828 376 16,512 100.0%

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Christopher C. Boardman Winner Selected    
Democratic 3,467 7,273 329 11,069 100.0%

Democratic Central Committee Female

Democratic Candidates - Vote for up to 5

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Surette Davis
Democratic 1,717 3,421 106 5,244 11.3%
Donna L. Kahoe Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,205 4,177 162 6,544 14.0%
Barbara Osborn Kreamer Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,498 4,750 223 7,471 16.0%
Hailey McDonald Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,778 3,679 167 5,624 12.1%
Denise E. Perry Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,184 4,226 153 6,563 14.1%
Cindy Skilton
Democratic 1,426 2,807 119 4,352 9.3%
Faye Ellen Snowden
Democratic 1,613 3,179 141 4,933 10.6%
Jo Wanda Strickland Lucas Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,926 3,761 160 5,847 12.6%

Democratic Central Committee Male

Democratic Candidates - Vote for up to 5

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Waqi Alam
Democratic 1,625 3,362 140 5,127 11.5%
Christopher C. Boardman Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,255 4,259 188 6,702 15.1%
Mike Bracknell Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,814 3,631 134 5,579 12.5%
Lawrence Del Prete
Democratic 1,470 2,893 140 4,503 10.1%
Adam Hiob Winner Selected    
Democratic 2,145 4,200 186 6,531 14.7%
Cordell Hunter, Sr. Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,980 3,774 136 5,890 13.2%
Gordon Koerner
Democratic 1,675 3,126 148 4,949 11.1%
Stephen Puopolo Winner Selected    
Democratic 1,699 3,401 134 5,234 11.8%

Republican Central Committee

Republican Candidates - Vote for up to 12

(86 of 86 election day precincts reported)
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Name PartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Abel Amdetsyon
Republican 611 1,730 47 2,388 2.0%
Sharon Beam Winner Selected    
Republican 2,310 5,688 168 8,166 6.9%
Jean Elaine Beulah Winner Selected    
Republican 2,140 5,011 159 7,310 6.2%
Jessica Blake Winner Selected    
Republican 2,022 5,024 143 7,189 6.1%
Joe Fleckenstein
Republican 1,373 3,809 130 5,312 4.5%
Linda Stine Flint
Republican 1,589 4,293 118 6,000 5.1%
Jason C. Gallion Winner Selected    
Republican 2,092 5,368 145 7,605 6.4%
Jordan Glassman Winner Selected    
Republican 2,268 5,959 179 8,406 7.1%
Mike Griffith Winner Selected    
Republican 1,750 4,423 116 6,289 5.3%
Patrick J. Haggerty, Jr. Winner Selected    
Republican 2,113 5,444 156 7,713 6.5%
Carol M. Kiple
Republican 1,878 4,223 148 6,249 5.3%
Trevor Leach
Republican 843 2,332 70 3,245 2.7%
Carol MacCubbin Winner Selected    
Republican 2,120 4,904 153 7,177 6.1%
Jeffery McBride Winner Selected    
Republican 1,930 4,753 139 6,822 5.8%
Patrick L. McGrady Winner Selected    
Republican 1,715 4,724 144 6,583 5.6%
Marc Morrison
Republican 828 2,302 66 3,196 2.7%
Matthew Resnik Winner Selected    
Republican 2,062 5,412 140 7,614 6.4%
Christopher Anthoney Sigley
Republican 727 2,046 57 2,830 2.4%
Christina M. Trotta Winner Selected    
Republican 2,411 5,857 156 8,424 7.1%