2020 Election Results
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Official 2020 Presidential General Election results for Anne Arundel County

Return to Election Result Index Last Updated 12/04/2020 12:44:15 PM
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NR: not reported

President and Vice President of the United States

Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence
Republican 65,507 24,625 33,843 3,846 127,821 41.3%
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Winner Selected    
Democratic 43,825 13,405 108,412 7,181 172,823 55.8%
Jo Jorgensen and Jeremy Spike Cohen
Libertarian 1,418 1,008 2,072 154 4,652 1.5%
Howie Gresham Hawkins and Angela Walker
Green 390 235 563 59 1,247 0.4%
Jerome M. Segal and John de Graaf
Bread and Roses 154 64 147 16 381 0.1%
Sharon Wallace and Karen M. Short (Write In)
Democratic 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Dennis Andrew Ball (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Barbara Bellar (Write In)
Other 1 0 6 0 7 0.0%
President Boddie (Write In)
Other 0 1 0 0 1 0.0%
Mary Ruth Caro Simmons and Sherrie Dow (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Brian Carroll (Write In)
Other 28 15 78 4 125 0.0%
Todd Cella (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Mark Charles and Adrian Wallace (Write In)
Other 0 0 2 0 2 0.0%
Phil Collins (Write In)
Other 0 0 1 0 1 0.0%
Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente (Write In)
Other 2 0 2 0 4 0.0%
Ryan Ehrenreich and Veronica Ehrenreich (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Randall Foltyniewkz (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Tom Hoefling and Andy Prior (Write In)
Other 2 0 2 0 4 0.0%
Shawn Howard (Write In)
Other 0 0 4 0 4 0.0%
Johnson Lee (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Susan B. Lochocki (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Brock Pierce and Karia Ballard (Write In)
Other 1 2 1 1 5 0.0%
Deborah Rouse and Sheila Cannon (Write In)
Other 0 0 2 0 2 0.0%
Peter W. Sherrill (Write In)
Other 0 2 0 0 2 0.0%
Jade Simmons and Claudeligh J. Roze (Write In)
Other 2 5 13 2 22 0.0%
Kasey Wells (Write In)
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Kanye West (Write In)
Other 39 32 41 8 120 0.0%
Gloria La Riva and Sunil Freeman (Write In)
Unaffiliated 5 0 5 1 11 0.0%
Albert Raley (Write In)
Unaffiliated 0 0 2 0 2 0.0%
Benjamin Schwalb (Write In)
Unaffiliated 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Edward Shlikas (Write In)
Unaffiliated 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Other Write-Ins
571 350 1,384 76 2,381 0.8%

Representative in Congress

District 2
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Johnny Ray Salling
Republican 4,938 2,448 3,285 367 11,038 28.7%
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Winner Selected    
Democratic 7,558 2,707 15,832 1,258 27,355 71.1%
Other Write-Ins
17 24 45 2 88 0.2%

District 3
Vote for 1

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Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Charles Anthony
Republican 22,008 9,743 12,864 1,370 45,985 40.5%
John Sarbanes Winner Selected    
Democratic 17,809 6,314 40,399 2,815 67,337 59.3%
Other Write-Ins
42 32 90 12 176 0.2%

District 4
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
George E. McDermott
Republican 28,492 9,380 16,909 1,280 56,061 50.8%
Anthony G. Brown Winner Selected    
Democratic 13,313 3,454 35,423 1,758 53,948 48.9%
Other Write-Ins
103 37 133 10 283 0.3%

District 5
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Chris Palombi
Republican 9,768 2,967 4,954 452 18,141 52.0%
Steny H. Hoyer Winner Selected    
Democratic 4,205 898 11,025 543 16,671 47.8%
Other Write-Ins
12 8 48 3 71 0.2%

Judge of the Circuit Court

Judicial Circuit 5
Vote for up to 4

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Pamela Alban Winner Selected    
62,660 19,707 94,004 5,465 181,836 26.2%
Elizabeth Morris Winner Selected    
64,555 20,563 98,693 5,925 189,736 27.4%
Rob Thompson Winner Selected    
56,623 17,709 79,968 4,410 158,710 22.9%
Richard Trunnell Winner Selected    
55,004 16,452 81,947 4,264 157,667 22.7%
Other Write-Ins
1,792 752 2,484 169 5,197 0.7%

Judge, Court of Appeals

Appellate Circuit 5
Jonathan Biran Winner Selected    
Vote Yes or No
For continuance in office

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Jonathan Biran Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Yes 70,117 24,556 93,050 6,225 193,948 79.3%
No 19,198 7,444 21,948 2,066 50,656 20.7%

Judge, Court of Special Appeals At Large

E. Gregory Wells Winner Selected    
Vote Yes or No
For continuance in office

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
E. Gregory Wells Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Yes 71,168 24,719 102,446 6,532 204,865 83.8%
No 17,696 7,072 13,168 1,740 39,676 16.2%

Board of Education

District 2
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Robert A. Silkworth Winner Selected    
6,307 3,259 7,084 540 17,190 55.9%
Raleigh Turnage, Jr.
4,471 2,186 6,112 553 13,322 43.3%
Other Write-Ins
94 63 66 6 229 0.7%

District 3
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
Ken Baughman
7,782 2,869 7,479 514 18,644 47.2%
Corine Frank Winner Selected    
9,918 3,389 6,815 520 20,642 52.3%
Other Write-Ins
71 24 76 8 179 0.5%

District 6
Vote for 1

This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Early Voting Election Day By Mail Prov. Total Percent
India L. Ochs
4,301 1,262 9,224 496 15,283 44.6%
Joanna Bache Tobin Winner Selected    
6,375 2,061 9,647 665 18,748 54.7%
Other Write-Ins
105 51 103 11 270 0.8%