Official 2022 Gubernatorial General Election Results for Question 4
Last refreshed: 12/07/2022 03:05:50 PM
NR: not reported

Question 4
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Constitutional Amendment
(Ch. 45 of the 2022 Legislative Session)
Cannabis - Legalization of Adult Use and Possession
(2074 of 2074 election day precincts reported)
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Jurisdiction | For | Against |
Allegany | 11,973 | 8,683 |
Anne Arundel | 137,461 | 72,579 |
Baltimore City | 111,227 | 29,718 |
Baltimore County | 176,358 | 89,073 |
Calvert | 21,640 | 14,301 |
Caroline | 6,154 | 4,112 |
Carroll | 41,499 | 28,334 |
Cecil | 19,435 | 12,349 |
Charles | 34,198 | 18,204 |
Dorchester | 6,575 | 4,267 |
Frederick | 66,991 | 36,210 |
Garrett | 5,394 | 5,528 |
Harford | 61,813 | 39,255 |
Howard | 84,666 | 42,651 |
Kent | 5,293 | 2,775 |
Montgomery | 238,861 | 91,310 |
Prince George's | 164,177 | 63,686 |
Queen Anne's | 13,161 | 9,033 |
Saint Mary's | 21,182 | 15,184 |
Somerset | 3,712 | 2,620 |
Talbot | 10,459 | 6,598 |
Washington | 27,501 | 19,134 |
Wicomico | 18,313 | 11,226 |
Worcester | 14,118 | 8,742 |
Totals | 1,302,161 (67.20%) | 635,572 (32.80%) |