Official 2022 Gubernatorial General Election Question Text

Prince George's County
Question J
Charter Amendment
County Council Member Residency Requirement
To provide that an at-large Council member shall have been a qualified voter of Prince George’s County for at least one year immediately preceding their general election. Council members representing one of the nine Council districts shall have been a qualified voter of their respective Council district for at least one year immediately preceding their general election. In an election year immediately following an approved decennial redistricting plan changing the boundaries of any Council district, the one-year residency requirement immediately preceding the general election shall not apply if a person is deemed a qualified voter but no longer resides in their former Council district because of a boundary change in the approved decennial redistricting plan. Such person shall have resided in their former Council district for at least one-year immediately preceding their general election and shall reside in the same Council district as changed in the approved decennial redistricting plan by the deadline for filing a certificate of candidacy.