Official 2022 Gubernatorial General Election Question Text
Last refreshed: 12/07/2022 03:05:50 PM
NR: not reported

Wicomico County
Question D
Charter Amendment
(Resolution 72-2022)
Referendum on Bond Issues and Other Local Laws and Limitations on Bond Issues - Charter Sections 312 and 313
To amend the County Charter to provide (A) referendum on public local laws reallocating bond proceeds; and (B) authorization to issue bonds or other obligations by the County Council or the County official designated by the County Council for a term of forty (40) years from the date of issuance; and (C) borrowing authorization must be authorized by an existing State law or public local law passed by the County Council; and (D) Any notice of sale of bonds or other obligations to be sold by public auction at competitive bid may be published or disseminated by other methods approved by the County Council.