Official 2022 Gubernatorial Primary Election Results for Comptroller
Last updated: 08/24/2022 04:50:11 PM
NR: not reported

Results may be displayed in multiple tables based on the number of candidates.
Republican Candidates - Vote for 1
(2074 of 2074 election day precincts reported)
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Jurisdiction |
Barry Glassman
Republican ![]() |
Allegany | 5,490 |
Anne Arundel | 30,394 |
Baltimore City | 3,188 |
Baltimore County | 30,085 |
Calvert | 7,594 |
Caroline | 3,099 |
Carroll | 16,396 |
Cecil | 7,086 |
Charles | 4,180 |
Dorchester | 2,579 |
Frederick | 16,316 |
Garrett | 4,133 |
Harford | 24,851 |
Howard | 11,795 |
Kent | 1,595 |
Montgomery | 18,812 |
Prince George's | 5,562 |
Queen Anne's | 4,685 |
Saint Mary's | 8,883 |
Somerset | 1,561 |
Talbot | 3,654 |
Washington | 10,076 |
Wicomico | 5,907 |
Worcester | 4,493 |
Totals | 232,414 (100.00%) |