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Official 2024 Presidential Primary Election Results for Representative in Congress

Last refreshed: 06/13/2024 02:25:21 PM
NR: not reported
Winner Selected: Denotes Winner of the Election

Representative in Congress

District 5

Democratic Candidates - Vote for 1

County Break Down (229 of 229 election day precincts reported)
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Name Party Early VotingElection DayMail-In BallotProvisional Total Percentage
Quincy Bareebe
Democratic 2,079 5,300 2,198 393 9,970 10.34%
Andrea L. Crooms
Democratic 1,034 3,385 2,255 281 6,955 7.22%
Steny HoyerWinner Selected
Democratic 12,608 24,873 30,260 1,982 69,723 72.33%
McKayla Wilkes
Democratic 1,191 4,626 3,561 365 9,743 10.11%
16,912 38,184 38,274 3,021 96,391 100.00%

Republican Candidates - Vote for 1

County Break Down (229 of 229 election day precincts reported)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Name Party Early VotingElection DayMail-In BallotProvisional Total Percentage
Michelle TalkingtonWinner Selected
Republican 5,731 14,577 6,256 638 27,202 100.00%
5,731 14,577 6,256 638 27,202 100.00%