Official 2024 Presidential General Election Question Text

Baltimore City
Question E
Charter Amendment
Baltimore City Police Department
Question E is for the purpose of establishing the Baltimore City Police Department as an agency of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. The Police Commissioner is established as the head of the Department and is appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation under Art. IV, Sec. 6 (a) of the Charter. The Commissioner's powers are enumerated and include determining and establishing the form and organization of the Department; assigning staff and resources, instituting systems for evaluations of members and setting policy with respect to the general operations of the Department.
The purpose and powers of the Department are also determined. The Department shall have the duty to preserve the peace, detect and prevent crime, enforce the laws of the State and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore as well as apprehend and arrest individuals who violate or are lawfully accused of violating the law. The Department will preserve the order at public places but must discharge its duties and responsibilities with dignity and in a manner that will inspire public confidence and respect.
The duties of police officers are also established and the procedure for the creation of police districts is established.