Official 2008 Presidential Primary Election results for Representative in Congress
NR: not reported
Representative in Congress
Congressional District 8
Democratic (Vote for One) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Chris Van Hollen | Democratic | 94,328 | 9,780 | 104,108 | 87.8% |
Deborah A. Vollmer | Democratic | 10,026 | 1,026 | 11,052 | 9.3% |
Lih Young | Democratic | 3,073 | 318 | 3,391 | 2.9% |
Republican (Vote for One) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Steve Hudson | Republican | 7,995 | 688 | 8,683 | 37.4% |
Meyer F. Marks | Republican | 1,236 | 139 | 1,375 | 5.9% |
Brian Mezger | Republican | 4,150 | 383 | 4,533 | 19.5% |
Jay Roberts | Republican | 2,545 | 298 | 2,843 | 12.3% |
Bruce Stern | Republican | 5,309 | 454 | 5,763 | 24.8% |
Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention
Congressional District 8
Democratic (Vote for No More Than Four) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Lynn J. Amano (Edwards) | Democratic | 4,586 | 523 | 5,109 | 1.1% |
Mary Boergers (Clinton) | Democratic | 46,789 | 4,670 | 51,459 | 11.0% |
Lisa Dawes (Biden) | Democratic | 2,363 | 230 | 2,593 | 0.6% |
Rosie Engman (Obama) | Democratic | 59,241 | 6,169 | 65,410 | 13.9% |
Patricia D. Fenn (Uncommitted) | Democratic | 3,079 | 262 | 3,341 | 0.7% |
Nancy M. Floreen (Clinton) | Democratic | 45,275 | 4,527 | 49,802 | 10.6% |
N. Minh Le (Obama) | Democratic | 55,518 | 5,707 | 61,225 | 13.0% |
Nancy Navarro (Clinton) | Democratic | 44,587 | 4,474 | 49,061 | 10.5% |
Susan Ness (Clinton) | Democratic | 43,823 | 4,306 | 48,129 | 10.3% |
Lynn M. Novelli (Obama) | Democratic | 57,412 | 5,992 | 63,404 | 13.5% |
Cynthia B. Pratt (Edwards) | Democratic | 3,169 | 507 | 3,676 | 0.8% |
Kathleen M. Sengstock (Richardson) | Democratic | 1,471 | 173 | 1,644 | 0.4% |
Elly Shaw-Belblidia (Obama) | Democratic | 53,659 | 5,720 | 59,379 | 12.6% |
Deborah A. Vollmer (Kucinich) | Democratic | 2,343 | 306 | 2,649 | 0.6% |
Lih Young (Uncommitted) | Democratic | 2,324 | 255 | 2,579 | 0.5% |
Male Delegates and Alternate to the Democratic National Convention
Congressional District 8
Democratic (Vote for No More Than Four) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Stewart Bainum, Jr. (Obama) | Democratic | 58,232 | 5,952 | 64,184 | 13.8% |
Shu-Ping Chan (Clinton) | Democratic | 42,691 | 4,227 | 46,918 | 10.1% |
John K. Delaney (Clinton) | Democratic | 45,664 | 4,502 | 50,166 | 10.8% |
Charles Duffy (Uncommitted) | Democratic | 3,365 | 300 | 3,665 | 0.8% |
Brian J. Feldman (Obama) | Democratic | 58,822 | 6,134 | 64,956 | 14.0% |
Kevin Gillogly (Edwards) | Democratic | 2,796 | 436 | 3,232 | 0.7% |
Michael A. Grieb (Edwards) | Democratic | 2,594 | 399 | 2,993 | 0.6% |
Raymond R. Jones (Edwards) | Democratic | 2,833 | 388 | 3,221 | 0.7% |
Mark I. Levy (Clinton) | Democratic | 45,042 | 4,497 | 49,539 | 10.7% |
Doyle L. Niemann (Clinton) | Democratic | 42,502 | 4,172 | 46,674 | 10.1% |
Jamie Raskin (Obama) | Democratic | 57,774 | 6,043 | 63,817 | 13.8% |
Luiz Simmons (Edwards) | Democratic | 3,508 | 477 | 3,985 | 0.9% |
Jason M. Waskey (Obama) | Democratic | 54,953 | 5,629 | 60,582 | 13.1% |
Delegates to the Republican National Convention
Congressional District 8
Republican (Vote for No More Than Three) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Everett Alvarez, Jr. (McCain) | Republican | 14,765 | 1,252 | 16,017 | 19.2% |
Gus Alzona | Republican | 642 | 37 | 679 | 0.8% |
Steve Blackistone (Huckabee) | Republican | 4,910 | 295 | 5,205 | 6.2% |
Michael Cronin (McCain) | Republican | 14,820 | 1,287 | 16,107 | 19.3% |
Howard A. Denis (Giuliani) | Republican | 1,718 | 227 | 1,945 | 2.3% |
Craig W. England (Huckabee) | Republican | 4,754 | 291 | 5,045 | 6.0% |
Frank Enten (Thompson) | Republican | 722 | 41 | 763 | 0.9% |
Daniel Greenstein (Paul) | Republican | 1,304 | 147 | 1,451 | 1.7% |
Vickie J. Hoffmann (Paul) | Republican | 1,372 | 146 | 1,518 | 1.8% |
Steve Hudson (Huckabee) | Republican | 5,201 | 339 | 5,540 | 6.6% |
Alex Johnson | Republican | 432 | 35 | 467 | 0.6% |
Mary Kane (Giuliani) | Republican | 1,312 | 164 | 1,476 | 1.8% |
Patrick E. O'Donnell (Thompson) | Republican | 912 | 57 | 969 | 1.2% |
Adol Theo Owen-Williams, II (Thompson) | Republican | 377 | 40 | 417 | 0.5% |
James Persinger (Paul) | Republican | 1,102 | 134 | 1,236 | 1.5% |
Rex Reed (Romney) | Republican | 2,156 | 453 | 2,609 | 3.1% |
Tom Reinheimer (Romney) | Republican | 2,185 | 475 | 2,660 | 3.2% |
James F. Shalleck (McCain) | Republican | 14,099 | 1,253 | 15,352 | 18.4% |
Charles Rodman Sterling | Republican | 200 | 11 | 211 | 0.3% |
Sue Ghosh Stricklett (Romney) | Republican | 1,991 | 439 | 2,430 | 2.9% |
Rosanne Donnelly Szabados (Giuliani) | Republican | 545 | 110 | 655 | 0.8% |
Josephine J. Wang | Republican | 603 | 60 | 663 | 0.8% |
Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention
Congressional District 8
Republican (Vote for No More Than Three) Details
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Name | Party | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Bill Askinazi | Republican | 1,230 | 89 | 1,319 | 1.6% |
John E. Berberian (Paul) | Republican | 1,369 | 153 | 1,522 | 1.9% |
David Cotter (Thompson) | Republican | 1,078 | 53 | 1,131 | 1.4% |
Meredith Couey (Huckabee) | Republican | 5,065 | 312 | 5,377 | 6.7% |
Lee Cowen (Romney) | Republican | 2,361 | 455 | 2,816 | 3.5% |
Joseph M. Deoudes (Huckabee) | Republican | 4,810 | 286 | 5,096 | 6.3% |
Jarred Allen Fishman (Giuliani) | Republican | 936 | 133 | 1,069 | 1.3% |
Stella Green | Republican | 688 | 68 | 756 | 0.9% |
Dwayne G. Holmes | Republican | 263 | 17 | 280 | 0.3% |
Samir "Sam" Malhotra (Romney) | Republican | 1,924 | 431 | 2,355 | 2.9% |
Tassi M. McKee | Republican | 323 | 29 | 352 | 0.4% |
Michael Andrew Monroe (Thompson) | Republican | 830 | 52 | 882 | 1.1% |
Serina C. Moy | Republican | 418 | 41 | 459 | 0.6% |
Carol McChesney Palmer (Giuliani) | Republican | 1,042 | 145 | 1,187 | 1.5% |
Matt Plomin (Thompson) | Republican | 712 | 35 | 747 | 0.9% |
Jeannine K. Roney (Paul) | Republican | 1,255 | 152 | 1,407 | 1.7% |
Matthew D. Roney (Paul) | Republican | 1,262 | 149 | 1,411 | 1.7% |
Nelson Rosenbaum (McCain) | Republican | 13,891 | 1,208 | 15,099 | 18.7% |
Charles W. Stansfield (Romney) | Republican | 2,358 | 493 | 2,851 | 3.5% |
Mark Uncapher (McCain) | Republican | 13,280 | 1,153 | 14,433 | 17.9% |
Steven C. Watson (Huckabee) | Republican | 4,570 | 280 | 4,850 | 6.0% |
Michael J. Zarrelli (Giuliani) | Republican | 744 | 111 | 855 | 1.1% |
Daniel Zubairi (McCain) | Republican | 13,219 | 1,190 | 14,409 | 17.9% |